Our service proposal to accompany your stay at Les Prés du petit Morlu

For any service request, please contact us so that we can offer you the stay at Les Prés du petit Morlu that best meets your expectations.

You will find below the price base which will allow us to offer you a detailed estimate.

For the  accomodation booking, go to the page Booking.

See you soon for a natural, discovering and soothing stay in the heart of the Loire castles and at the gates of Sologne.

Sologne Forest horseback riding
     Service offering   Rate base
Transport from 1 à 6 people 

Morlu / Blois Station

Morlu / Noyers sur Cher Station

Morlu / St Pierre des Corps Station

98 €

17 €

160 €


& equipment transport

1.3 € / km

18.5 € / picnic

15 € / picnic (- 13)

Proposal hiking circuits Included
Horse accomodation & Transport

Occasionnal transport for 1 or 2 horses (1 ton max), around Les prés du petit Morlu

Horses accomodation

11€ + 1.35 € / km

Van & Truck park Included
Home bike Included